Thursday, October 29, 2015

Disney Babies

       In some older Disney movies like Sleeping Beauty, or even the newer version of this movie, Maleficent, you actually start the movie during the infant stage. In this part of the movie, you see this perfect baby, never cries, gets gifts from Flora, Fauna, and Merrywether, and has an easy and smooth sailing childhood. I would just like to state this is far from reality.
       Coming from someone who works at a daycare center, has a not yet one year old niece, and who is as I'm typing watching a not even two month old, a quiet and compliant baby is not even slightly realistic. I'm going to give you just a few reasons this idea of a baby being perfect, is so not true.

Reason number one this is unrealistic:
Babies, although they can understand some things you say, you cannot understand what they want. This is a tough reality because you sit there as they cry and you don't know what they want, and you can only do so much to try and relieve them. In other words, regardless if you're at a daycare or watching this baby at home, you can't expect them to sit there patiently when usually you and them both don't know what they want.

Reason number two this is unrealistic:
When babies are in a new setting such as a daycare, or a home different then their own, they are uncomfortable, with that said, when baby Aurora lives a lot of her baby life in the castle with her parents and is abruptly moved into the fairies home with no sort of adjustment issue or complications is rather strange. These babies are in a routine, much like myself, I do the same things from a day to day basis, so when children are moved from their normal setting, it's expected that it will take some adjustment time, and will not happen in such a smooth manner all the time.

Reason number three this is unrealistic:
Babies do not, and will never follow your schedule, they will not be compliant, but that's all part of the process. No one said taking care of a child would be easy, but it's part of the fun. Even without the help of magical fairies to watch and care for child's every need, they'll turn out just fine, because you're learning just like them, so forget Disney's ideals, just do the best you can do!

" all started because of a mouse." -Walt Disney

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