Sunday, October 18, 2015

Disney Parents

       Today I would like to talk about Disney parents. And if you are a Disney parent, then listen up because I am about to praise you till days end. But seriously, I think you are so amazing if you still continue to love Disney while being an adult. I think it keeps you young, and who does not want to be young these days? Anyway, parents who still love to go to Disney world with your kids on a yearly bases and buy then those fun little shirts and knick knacks at those Disney stores you can find places, well you rock! You have no idea how much I appreciate my mom have done that to me and my sisters as a kid! 
       Now for the yahoos who did not do that for your children, well I pretty much think that you just suck. Kind of sort of maybe a lot. Honestly, what is your reasoning you have not done those things? Okay I get that Disney world is like super expensive but you should have at least taken them there one time so they would have gotten the chance to experience that! I went when I was really young and remember how much fun it was! It makes me want to take my kids there. Disney has a ripple effect and you dumb parents who did not or are not promoting Disney and exposing your kids to it, well you are just hurting the good of people. 
       Disney loves everyone, even those parents who don’t show their kids the magical of it. Does that not count for something? Disney is like God in a way. In some ways it has an answer to everything. You see, the movies act as the Bible, a way to lead people to do the “right things.” So my suggestion to all you stupid naïve parents out there, take you and your kids to the store, whether it be Target or Wal-Mart, and just buy all the movies you can think of, The Little Mermaid, Lion King, Peter Pan, Mary Poppins, Aristocats, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., or whatever it may be. Just do it, worship the “Bible” and learn what it is telling you and I am sure you will soon find yourself in a pool of regret because of what you deprived your kids of as a child. No worries though, you still have time to change your ways and take them to Disney World!!  

" all started because of a mouse."-Walt Disney

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