Friday, October 2, 2015

Frozen Phenomenom

       As we've all heard of or seen of Disney's most recent phenomenon, Frozen, we all were enveloped in that Disney finally changed it's view of "true love." Most all of Disney's stories, shows and movies, follow the same general pattern of the boy and the girl falling into eternal love. Finally the tables have turned, and Disney has said family is your true love, and at the end of the day those are the people that will always be there for you. Even though the songs on repeat are a bit redundant, they help carry the theme throughout the movie.
       Do You Want To Build A Snowman? I think that even though people think that Elsa is just ignoring Anna in this song, its in a beautiful way that she does it. Elsa may be ignoring her sister who is just longing to have a relationship with her, but she also is doing a very sister like thing in that she is trying to protect Anna from what hurt her before. Elsa feels responsible and throughout the song as she grows up, you see that even she is afraid of herself and what she is capable of. From Anna's point of view, her sister is ignoring her, for she doesn't remember the incident in which Elsa hurt her, during the song, she slowly gives up hope on her sister coming out to play, and eventually just stops trying to ask after her parents pass away.
       Let It Go. In this song, I think the message is to be free, to not worry anymore. Elsa, finally feels free, she is no longer a burden to her sister or anyone else. This song is like the anthem to my life. I wish I could be as care free as Elsa is, she just seems so at peace knowing that she's not going to hurt anyone, or at least that's what she thought. While Elsa's going nuts now that she is free, Anna isn't happy because as soon as she is reunited with her sister, she gets taken away, and she is NOT going to let it go. (lol i'm funny)
       Even though these are only a few of the songs on the soundtrack, to me these are some of the most important, and you could agree that these two are among the most overplayed. Although overplayed, these songs have a deeper meaning, and have a great theme, that add to the movie.

" all started because of a mouse." -Walt Disney


  1. I really like your idea about true love. I had never thought about it that way, but now it all makes sense.

  2. Reading this made me look at Frozen in such a different light! Now I love it even more!!
    Great job, Meg!!! Your love for Disney is contagious!! ;P
