Sunday, December 20, 2015


As of right now in my life, I am watching the popular series of ‘Glee’ on Netflix. If you are not familiar with it, it is pretty much about the Glee club at McKinley High School, which is a singing group, and how their lives change throughout their journey and why Glee club was the reason for it. 

The people in it are amazing singers and actors. They make everything so relatable even though it is somewhat taken to the extreme, like most movies and shows. But that is what makes it so entertaining, well that and the fact that pretty much all the guys in it are super yummy. Like honestly, which girl doesn't love to see hot guys sing their hearts out? In my opinion, there is nothing better than a hot guy that can sing.

Another big thing Glee has for people is the message to be yourself, if I were to pick one topic or idea that Glee portrays, that would be the one that sticks out the most to me. All these kids are said to be "outcasts" and everyone starts to feel that way sometimes, I know I do, but watching Glee these last few days have really changed my perspective on so many things in life. The thing that I got the most out of is the fact that it is okay to grieve and feel guilt, you don't always have to put on a strong face because if you have true friends, they are  going to be there for you, no matter what. 

I have never cried over a movie or show or anything, but when it comes to music with a story behind it most of the time it gets me and I have cried or at least been teary these past two days because of Glee, but in a good way. I have really been relating to the topics on Glee anyway just because of what is going on in my life. I believe there is at least one episode that totally relates to whatever someone is going through and that is kind of the point. 

So if you have Netflix, or something that you are able to watch Glee with, do it. I get guys probably would not be a big fan but I promise it is seriously a great show! 

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