Sunday, December 20, 2015

Disney Friends are the best friends

Having really close friends is something I think everyone, no matter who you are or what you have done should have. They are people who will always be there for you, even if you have gone off the deep end into some stupid pile of shit, if they are REAL friends, they will dig you out. I think that friends like these can be identified in most Disney shows, such as Wizards or Waverly Place with Alex and Harper, or Hannah Montana with Lily and Miley.

I have been blessed with some of the best friends in the whole and I just wanted to share just how important friends really are. I have siblings, as well as many other people, and sometimes they are not the easiest people to talk to because well many times you aren't getting along or the age gap is to big it would pretty much be pointless to talk to them about what you are going through. Same goes for parents, there are just some things teenagers do not talk to parents about, and that is where your friends come in. Like Lily and Miley and Alex and Harper, they are the best people to talk to because they are you age, and understand best what you're going through, but hey that's what they're there for.

Having long heart to hearts is one of the best things about being a girl in my opinion, but for me at least, I need some guy time as well, and I am lucky enough to be one of those girls who has so many guy friends, but that is all they are, friends and I get a long with all of them so well and having people like good guy friends is important to me because you can talk to them in more of a joking way but sometimes they can be serious and that is when you know they are truly being honest, and I really wish that every girl had a guy to talk to.

Drama. Having drama in friendships is such a common thing but I promise it never lasts long. If whoever the drama is between is a true friend of yours, you will soon kiss and makeup and forget it ever happened. Everything in life has some bumps in the rode and you just have to surround yourself with people who will help you through it because no one should go through life a lone. Friendship is the most magical thing I believe this world has to offer, so if you have it, do not let it go because TRUE friends, are not always easy to come by, so grab yourself a Lily and Harper and never let them go!

" all started because of a mouse." -Walt Disney 

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