Sunday, December 20, 2015

Disney Snow Days on Netflix

I thought this particular topic would be totally appropriate for today because we have had two snow days just recently. So on these two days I cuddled up under my heat blanket with all the lights off and watched Netflix on my new Nook I got from my grandma for Christmas (streaming Disney classics of course).  It was the most relaxing two days I have had in awhile, well that was up until I had to go to work.

Netflix is such a great way to use up snow days because no one wants to do anything on those days because I mean in reality they are pretty much lazy days for everyone. Yes, you may have to do some homework here or there but once you are finished, just know that on Netflix there is something you get to watch to turn your day completely around, and the bonus to it is that they have a ton of old Disney Channel movies taht don't get played anymore!

I suggest getting hooked on a series because normally you can never go wrong with that. You will not want to walk away from it which could be a bad thing but it also waste time and would probably keep you from just eating all day like you would normally do on a snow day, I know it did for me.

Watching Netflix actually made me feel really good about myself even though I did absolutely nothing. I did get my house work done, and even way faster than I normally would. So all Netflix did for me was help me relax, get my work done faster, and not eat as much. What better could you ask for on a snow day? It also allowed me to get caught up on the classics!

We are still kids and enjoy to just relax every once in a while because there is all this pressure put on us to do so much better than everyone else and sometimes, at least for me, it just gets way to overwhelming and I need time off to just think. Watching movies and shows of my choice without any commercial breaks, because those stress me out even more, lets me forget about those things and when there is a day like a snow day, that is exactly what I am going to use it for, a nice break to get my mind off things. Everyone needs a snow day every once in a while because kids do get way to stressed about school, and some of the shows even portray ideas like this that you can find on Netflix, because although the show isn't "real" it makes you feel that way and not so alone.

So the next time anyone ever complains about having a snow day and then having to make it up later, how about you be thankful you get to watch one of your favorite shows, catch up on the classics  or start a new one you learn to love in Netflix.

" all started because of a mouse." -Walt Disney

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