Thursday, March 24, 2016


Indoor tanning is at its peak today in the 21st century due to the over excessive need to be tan, but does that make it wrong?

I am a big believer in tanning beds, yes they have health risk but almost everything you are exposed to on a daily basis has risks and it doesn't make them wrong. The reason I wanted to bring this particular topic up was because of the posters all over the walls at my high school. It is telling people to take a pledge NOT to tan like it is the worst thing you can do. I want everyone to know that my mother went tanning all the time as a kid and got burned constantly due to being a life guard and she has never had any form of skin cancer.

Yes, I know the risks of tanning but I think there are more benefits; a nice tan, look thinner, clearer skin, and feel better about yourself. If you happen to get the god awful skin cancer, you need to know that most every form of it is curable! My good friend Morgan, her mom had a cancerous spot due to tanning and she never got "sick" but she went through a little less than a month of treatment and she was fine. So many people make it seem like it is the end of the world and I have been tanning sense before high school and I am now a junior about to be a senior and nothing is wrong with me. They are all quick to judge those who decide to tan and it is not their place. Those posters up can be offensive because I portrays the message "if you tan you are doing something wrong" and that indeed is not the case.

I guess what I am trying to get across is that tanning is not all bad like people think it is and the fact it is being said all around my school just pisses me off for some reason, and just in case you are wondering, yes I have been tearing them down if I see them. Does that make me just the same as them? Well, they still have a bunch up so why not just lessen their advertisement sense the other side has no terms of defense other than this blog which no one will see.
Tanning is good. Tanning makes you feel good. Tanning makes you look good. GO TANNING

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