Sunday, September 20, 2015

LILO and Stitch

             I know I have a total bias opinion because I don't see anything bad when watching Disney movies because I refuse to even believe such a thing exists. Something that my mind has been reminded of about Disney movies is just how stinkin' funny they are. Have you ever seen Lilo and Stitch? If you haven't then you are missing out. I mean it's not like a total Adam Sandler comedy movie but many parts in it are HILARIOUS. I dare you to go rent that movie and not laugh! If you say you didn't, well, you are lying.
        So I wouldn't say I really have a point in emphasizing the funniness of Lilo & Stitch, I just happened to run across it this weekend and I just had the best thought, "HEY! I smell a gooooooood blog a cookin'!" Not really, but now thinking about it that would be a pretty cool thing. That is thinking about a homework assignment during the weekend. ANYWAY, I just am really promoting this movie because I think it was really over-looked when it came out, like people just thought it looked stupid so they didn't even bother with it. The "people" being the parents of these innocent kids who were robbed of a HUGE part of their childhood. Alright, so it is really not that big, but I am sure those kids would have enjoyed life even a little more if they saw this great movie!
      I am not going to take the time and tell you about this movie because that would just ruin the surprise and I am not about that life. What I can do though, is tell all the girls out there with older or younger sisters, this movie could pretty much explain your life with your sister! I am telling you, I have four older sisters, and let me tell you, the relationship between Lilo and her older sister honestly sums up mine and my sisters relationship a lot of times.
       This movie also appeals to whole families in the sense that Lilo doesn't really have much of one. It could really bring a family together in realizing what they have. I think all Disney movies do that in some sense because they all have a little message that hits you in an emotional way. They are very family oriented, and I promise will do nothing but good for families. So just take a hour and a half away from your hectic life and sit down to watch Lilo & Stitch with your family, and in the end tell them all you love them. OHANA.

" all started because of a mouse."  -Walt Disney

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