Friday, September 18, 2015

Disney Music

     If you are a die hard Disney lover like I am or used to be, you will know that every Disney movie has the greatest music and songs in them! Everytime I ever watch one of the movies I sing every single word to it! They put me in the best mood ever and they are just fun to sing to! I want everyone to hear all the Disney songs. They do not even have to watch the movie it is from. JUST LISTEN TO THE SONGS!! I know that most people will remember a large number of them if they ever watched the classics as a kid.
     For guys, they may not be as interested because I think for the most part it is girls who keep in touch with their little kid side for awhile longer and more in depth than guys do, but I would like boys to at least give it a try. Go to YouTube and type in 'Disney Classic Songs' and I guarantee you that the songs you used to love as a kid will come on and you will fall in love all over again!
     A little off topic, but, if you are one of those people who say they know a song and like mumble the words like you know it, well don't. No one likes those kind of people and if I am around you and you do it do one of my jams (a Disney song) you best believe I will call you out and embarrass you for disgracing the Disney name! Like who do you think you are? What did Disney ever do to you to mess something up like that? I get that it isn't really THAT big of a deal, but, if you are going to sing a Disney song, sing it right please. :)
     If I were to recommend a movie to watch with great songs it would most definitely have to be The Little Mermaid or The Lion King. Those songs are seriously so much fun and some of the most popular! Everyone has to love them and if you don't well then you are just crazy! So do us, or well me, a favor and please please please, at LEAST go watch those two movies or listen to the songs because you will LOVE them! And if you do not, well then you suck. You're welcome.

" all started because of a mouse." -Walt Disney

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