Monday, September 14, 2015

Ariel and I

       I believe that throughout the entirety of Disney movies there's a message that gets looked over because it's a "kids" film, but I believe in the Disney movies, because your never to old to learn something you never knew. This film may be over looked by a five or six year old, but as you grow older and learn from reality, come back and revisit, because as a 16 year old, I still let things such as appearances and physical boundaries hold me back from something I hold near to my heart. Ariel pushes the envelope and believes in herself, which is more than most people can say. Ariel has and always will be someone important to me, because she showed me how to be myself and to go as far as you need to (within reason, after all she was a mermaid gone human) to reach your goals.
         For most of my life, or any young child's life for that matter, I've always identified with some sort of character, may it be fiction or a real person. I grew up feeling a relation with Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid, I think since we both had red hair, and because of that being so rare I just idolized everything about her. Her long hair and free spirit inspired me everyday to go out and not be afraid to be myself and prove others wrong, and most importantly to never let a physical flaw separate me from something or someone that I care about.
       Sometimes I think the simple things in life are missed, a good movie, a cool swim on a hot day, or an inspiring message that keeps you going. Disney brings you back, allows you to get away and find yourself again, and reminisce on your childhood hero.

Whenever I think of Ariel, I think of this image, because she looks happy, and like she has no worries. To me she embodies self love, confidence and inner beauty; a difficult characteristic to poses. So being or wishing to be like Ariel doesn't make me childish or immature, it makes me have expectations of myself, and set goals, and most importantly, makes me read between the lines, and never forget where it all started.

" all started because of a mouse." -Walt Disney

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that there are deeper messages in Disney movies! I love Ariel too!
