Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Something important I believe is that everything happens for a reason. I believe this because on December 25, 2013, this year’s past Christmas, my mother suffered from a stroke.  As is seems, it was quite a devastating day, but it was also a day that I will treasure for as long as I live. I think that Jessica, my sister, and I were especially fortunate of this timing.

            My sister Kelly was about to leave at about 2:30, but she was refusing to help load the car, to go to her boyfriend’s families events for the day, and my sister Taylor had already left with her boyfriend to do the same. As Angus loaded the car, the same time my mom and Kelly had been saying goodbye, and talking, my mom noticed she was experiencing some unusual numbness on the right side of her body. Kelly had my mom sit down and just was trying to help her, ask her what she did, how she felt, etc. A few minutes later, my mom started to slur her speech, and immediately Kelly recognized stroke symptoms. Just like a circus train Jess and Kelly helped my mom into the car as I gathered a few things inside, and off we went to the hospital.

            As my mom was being rushed in, only one of us was allowed to be back there with her until a little while later. As I waited in the E.R. waiting room, Taylor and Kelly came back, we sat down and prayed. About 20 minutes later, Jessica came out and said that we could come back now. We all sat down with my mom in relief that she was going to be okay, but at the same time realized what had just happened. After a few moments of silence, Taylor tries to lighten the mood with, “Well, Merry Christmas guys!” She got a little chuckle, because after all, we were all going to be okay. A few more doctors dame in and talked to us and my mom of course, but then my mom said something that really hit home. She took one long deep breath and said, “Yah know, if Meg and Jess would’ve been the only ones home, I would have gone in and laid on the couch, and I would’ve died.”

            Forever will not be enough time to thank god that my sister Kelly was there to talk to my mom,  to take note of the symptoms, to take her to the hospital, and to save her. I believe that the tragedy that occurred on December 25, was not in fact a tragedy, but a blessing, and the greatest gift that anyone could ask for on Christmas, their mother’s life.

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