Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sons of Anarchy

                 So, another great series on Netflix is called Sons of Anarchy, which is about a biker gang who is seriously some of the coolest people and they are totally bad ass. I don't want to ruin anything for you but to just really encourage anyone, boy or girl, to check it out. The cast is absolutely amazing, not really any big stars you would know but there are some pretty people in it which is always good. ;)

                 My neighbor started watching it and although I haven't seen all the episodes like he has, I LOVE the show. It kind of scares me at times because there are some very graphic things in it like, murder, rape, fights, and that sort of thing but it is oh so good. I know for a fact just about any guy who enjoy it because it is a total guy flick but I find myself pretty normal among the girl population and I enjoy it so I believe many other girls will too.

               Personally my favorite character is Jackson who goes by Jacks and well, he is a very sexy man. A totally bad ass and he is also funny. He loves his soon to be wife and two sons so much it is the cutest damn thing in the world. He protects his mom, who is also a friggin' bad ass, like she is his little sister. Jacks is the absolutely perfect man and I secretly wish that Jake, my boyfriend, grows up to not only act like him but to, walk, talk, sing, dance, and look like him too.

               Here is a picture of this stunning man.........

              Is he not the most perfect thing you have ever seen in your entire life? He isn't that typical pretty boy you see all the time but a rough looking man who just looks so sweet and dangerous and totally perfect I can't even take it!! All of this is found in one spot, and that would be called Netflix. So, Sons of Anarchy is probably my number one recommendation for a show on Netflix!!!! :):):)

Sharing Netflix

So, if you do not have Netflix but you know some of your friends or other family members do, well then you could kindly ask them to share with you and it will not coast you one thing! You can just get the app, which is free, and then use their username and password and BAM! You have free shows and movies!

There is a downfall to it though, you can only have it on four devices I believe, otherwise it will not work which is a bummer. Another bad thing is if one device is using it, all the others cannot at the same time. This especially sucks when you the owner of the account cannot watch due to your generosity of giving out your account info.

Something great about sharing Netflix that I’ve found is that if you and your friend want to watch the same show, but obviously don’t live with each other or have time to watch it while hanging out, you can watch an episode or two and see when they’ve watched it, and which episodes they have watched. As dumb as it may sounds Netflix is honestly, hands down one of the best things to have ever stumbled upon. We have been together for quite sometime now and I can say that I have never trusted someone more than I trust good ol’ Netty.

I’d like to take a moment of silence for those movies and shows that will be removed in April, thank you.


Indoor tanning is at its peak today in the 21st century due to the over excessive need to be tan, but does that make it wrong?

I am a big believer in tanning beds, yes they have health risk but almost everything you are exposed to on a daily basis has risks and it doesn't make them wrong. The reason I wanted to bring this particular topic up was because of the posters all over the walls at my high school. It is telling people to take a pledge NOT to tan like it is the worst thing you can do. I want everyone to know that my mother went tanning all the time as a kid and got burned constantly due to being a life guard and she has never had any form of skin cancer.

Yes, I know the risks of tanning but I think there are more benefits; a nice tan, look thinner, clearer skin, and feel better about yourself. If you happen to get the god awful skin cancer, you need to know that most every form of it is curable! My good friend Morgan, her mom had a cancerous spot due to tanning and she never got "sick" but she went through a little less than a month of treatment and she was fine. So many people make it seem like it is the end of the world and I have been tanning sense before high school and I am now a junior about to be a senior and nothing is wrong with me. They are all quick to judge those who decide to tan and it is not their place. Those posters up can be offensive because I portrays the message "if you tan you are doing something wrong" and that indeed is not the case.

I guess what I am trying to get across is that tanning is not all bad like people think it is and the fact it is being said all around my school just pisses me off for some reason, and just in case you are wondering, yes I have been tearing them down if I see them. Does that make me just the same as them? Well, they still have a bunch up so why not just lessen their advertisement sense the other side has no terms of defense other than this blog which no one will see.
Tanning is good. Tanning makes you feel good. Tanning makes you look good. GO TANNING

Friday, March 11, 2016

Don't Worry Be Happy

The number of smiles Disney has brought to people’s faces and the number of people they have brought them too is an uncountable number! Everything about Disney is just a big world of happiness and laughter and that is one reason why I love it so much. It has you forgetting all the bad things in your life and makes you happy for that slight time you are around it. I fell as though if there was more Disney in everyone’s life that our world would be just that little bit happier! Imagine if everyone has a few less bad days that could change a kids thoughts of suicide or a possible argument between mother and daughter. Little things can have a drastic effect on people in ways you would never imagine.
   Smiles are free anyway, so why not do something that makes you smile? Disney may not be your first thought but I strongly believe everyone should try it at some point in your life to try and cheer you up. You do not even have to be sad, maybe you just feel like smiling about something good, and Disney could most definitely be that thing for you! Everyone loves to smile, and if you don’t well then I think you have some deeper lying issues that I think you would most likely want to seek professionally help on, but say you can’t afford something like that, your next solution could very well be a Disney movie or maybe even a Disney song. For me I enjoy listening to the songs from just about every movie, not that I don’t enjoy the movies because I love them so much but I love music so much more and it really makes me forget about everything, especially when I have my headphones in and that is all I hear.
               Do yourself a favor and let yourself smile today with a good Disney movie or song, and then go tell someone you think needs to smile a little more about it as well. You could make their day and it could very likely have a ripple effect and influence people to do the same thing in the end making this a much better place to live because of all the smiles being spread around! Disney brings happiness to people and if they ever did anything other than that, then it was in no way their intent. Happiness and smiles is what they want I am sure so just give them another shot. Get and give a smile everyday with Disney.


I don't know what I feel&I don't know what I did. I feel out of control. I don't know what to do or say because everything I say she tells me is wrong. 
I think sometimes about just being done but can't bring myself to that point. But she sometimes makes me think that's where I should be if I'm so bad. Not just her but she's the most vocal about it. I wish I knew how to feel but I don't, I wish I knew the right things to say or wear, but I don't. 
"You are rude, you have bad grades" is all I hear but never any praise, she wonders why I'm like this, but she fails to realize I am the product of her. Never being raised by him to my recollection leaves all of what I am on her. He didn't shape who I was he made me who I wasn't, and won't be. I can't understand what I'm saying and why it's wrong but apparently it is. 
I'm lost, and for the first time I don't think anyone's there to help me out, and for the first time I don't know how. I have no idea where I'm going or what's next for me but I don't know how to feel in control when I'm constantly being told I'm doing wrong things. 
Time after time of being told you don't work hard, you don't manage your time well, you need to go in and get help, or my favorite is you're rude all the time and are NEVER nice to me. You start to believe what's put in your head, and wonder if that's how everyone sees me. 
I can't even look at my reflection and think nice things so how should anyone else?

Staying Grounded: Disney Style

       I think that for too often people become too much of what they say they will never be, or of their hobbies and lifestyle, instead of staying connected to things that ground you and make you, you. For me, Disney has always been apart of my life, these movies, shows and concepts that Disney is revolved around have in some ways shaped who I am today. Although some of Disney's ideals are outdated, and unrealistic, I've learned to take away the good from these messages and learn from the bad.
       A common theme throughout the majority of Disney movies occurs when the main character becomes confident, or cocky, and starts to show off, and distance him/her/itself from their roots, or their backstory. An example would be like Troy Bolton in High School Musical 2, when he starts to get recruited from a basketball group, and gets a great promotion in his summer job, he starts to blow off his friends, forgets about dates with his girlfriend, and overall becomes an arrogant jerk leaving him single and friendless.
       To me this is a very important lesson to learn in life because you need to stay humble and remember where you came from to make the journey life takes you on more extraordinary. If you get handed everything in life without having to work for it, you don't appreciate things, you know no value because you've never had to earn anything. Disney has an approachable way of coming back to reality and remembering what's important in life.
       So many days even I get to stressed about my job, or show choir, and school, and I forget that life really isn't about this. I have to remind myself that I am doing a good job, or maybe I need to be a little kinder, and just take a minute to look at how I've grown as a person, and be proud yet humble. After all, growing up is a humbling experience, and I think that whatever path you may choose, we all tend to get a little sucked into whatever is consuming your life, and when this happens, just remember where you came from along with how far you've come. Remember the little fish that said, "...just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming ,swimming, swimming...", although she couldn't decipher between "Fabio and Nemo", she could always remember who she was; she knew her TRUE self.